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Writer's pictureTerrell Goden

Improve Your Speaking!

It’s one of the most important commitments you can make to yourself. Practicing everyday… That’s how you become a better speaker!

The late Maradonna wasn’t born with a better left foot than anyone. It took thousands of practice hours, day in and day out of fine tuning.

You can read this, and if you have never done it and won’t do it, I am telling you now, it’s a complete waste.

Watching videos or reading on how to become a speaker will NOT make you a better speaker.

Nor is watching videos on learning how to ride bikes would make you a better rider.

Imagine they’re 55-year-olds who have done over 10,000 hours of meetings and they’re crap at meetings.

The 23-year-old who started yesterday is better at making meetings run effectively.

Solely because they can speak. And I know, you know what I mean…

Having a large and diverse vocabulary might sound contradictory to being able to explain things easily.

But both skills play a crucial part when it comes to speaking and having your audience understand what you say.

When speaking to ANYONE… remember!

Less complicated the better.

And this isn't the most important part.

What is it…?


Your laptop comes with a webcam.

Dedicate 5 minutes every day for the next 10 days explaining a product, your CV, your vision, it can be anything.

Go over it and see where you use ‘Uhm’ and ‘Uh’. Replace them with meaningful words. Or simply pause.

‘Uhm’ and ‘Uh’ are filler words that can actually break your speech, but…

Self- analysis will break that bad habit and allow you to become 1000x more effective, solely because it gives you feedback.

Exactly what you need to improve drastically.

As I said, watching videos and reading books will NOT make you efficient in anything!

Practice every day and see yourself become a top speaker.

Jim Rohn, Zig Zigglar,

these guys CAN speak!

It truly takes a lot of practice and patience, so that your message can make a positive impact on others.

So, let’s get some practice in, yeah.

Stick around for part 2.

There’s always more than one way to achieve something.

For now… practice is the only way out!

Talk soon,


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